

Krasiejów is a small village in southwest Poland, about 20 km east of Opole, on the River Mała-Panew.

Geography Geography Geography Geography

The age of fossils from Krasiejów – occurrence of Paleorhinus suggest a Late Carnian age.

Something about palaeogeography of the Triassic – Continent distribution and palaeogeography of central Europe during the Late Triassic (from Dzik et al., 2000)

View of the northern wall of outcrop at Krasiejów – the lower level – The lower-level-assemblage is dominated by an amphibious labyrinthodont, Metoposaurus diagnosticus krasiejowensis (A), as well as by Cyclotosaurus intermedius (B), and by the phytosaur, Paleorhinus sp. (C) and the aetosaur, Stagonolepis sp. (D).

View of the northern wall of outcrop at Krasiejów – the upper level – The upper horizon has yielded remains of strictly terrestrial animals, including Stagonolepis sp. (B), and a primitive dinosauromorph Silesaurus opolensis (A). Teratosaurus silesiacus (C) was unearthed between the upper and lower levels.

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